What is in Your Healing Package?

God can and will use surprising things to bring about your healing.

Most of us, at sometime or another, will unfortunately, go through painful experiences in our lifetime. These times can either be due to circumstances outside our control such as the death of a loved one or we endure excruciating experiences because of our own actions or even non-actions.

When we pass through painful processes, we often feel as though we are initially in a tailspin as though our world is flipped upside down and it refuses to be righted again. Eventually, after this stubborn phase has passed, we are left with our emotions that look like flotsam and jetsam that are hurled by crashing waves and left strewn about; exposed on pebbles or rocks. Our landing never feels as though it is in soft sand.

When these events, circumstances, situations, experiences - call it what you will- happen, we often feel as though we have been have broken. Broken into pieces that appears at the time to be beyond repair. We feel like Humpty-Dumpty: that we cannot be put back together again.

However, just like in the nursery-rhyme, with us, ‘all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, couldn't put Humpty together again.’ You see, we may go to things and people to be repaired, to be healed and to be made whole once again, but let me gently and respectfully put it to you that although these things are good and useful, for you and anyone’s complete and total healing, they will need the touch of their Creator - God - on and in their lives.

The title of this post is ‘what is in your healing package?’ because God has a myriad of ways to bring about your healing: some very surprising! Do not try to limit God or put Him in a box of your limitations.

Apologies for being so forthright, but I have learned, through personal experience that God does not show up and do that we think He will do to bring us to a place of healing. The Bible is full of Jesus doing the extraordinary to minister to those who were in need of healing emotionally, psychologically, financially, socially, physically, spiritually to name a few. Some well-known examples are the ‘woman at the well’, ‘The 10 Lepers healed’, ‘The woman caught in the act of adultery’.

Over the course of my lifetime, my life, on occasion has been shipwrecked and left on the rocks of life: the most recent was when I experienced narcissistic abuse. I did not know how my healing would come about, but Jesus did.

Looking back, I still can’t believe what He used to put a smile on my face, to restore my self-worth, my sense of self and to minister to my soul. In no particular order, He put the following in place for my (tailored just for me) healing package.

  • Starting a blog

  • Reading pertinent Scriptures

  • Praying with a trusted friend

  • Attending counselling sessions with a Christian counsellor

  • Attending dance lessons (pre-lockdown) - Ballroom

  • Walks with my dog

  • Finding a new hobby - watching K-Dramas

  • Learning a language - Korean

God has done much more as well. Some of the items on my list may be surprising! To tell the truth, when I realised what God was and is using, I was surprised myself. This is when I realised, what we think God will use to bring about our healing and restoration is not necessarily what He will actually use. God does work in mysterious ways.

After reading the items in my healing package, why not reflect on your own healing journey and see if you can identify what is in your own healing package.

When Jesus ministered on earth, the Bible, in the Gospel of Matthew states, ‘Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.’ Matthew 9:35 Please note that Jesus did not use the same method each time to heal all the individuals wherever He went: He used different means, ways and forms. What He did then, He is still doing now.

Here’s hoping that you are on your own healing journey and that you will recognise what is in your healing package so that you can and will continue on your path to health and wholeness!

Until next time.

Love & Blessings



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Seeing Is Not Believing